Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Finally back from San Diego...

After an exhausting week in Japan, and a non-stop event-filled week in San Diego, I have returned home barely awake but with tons of great memories. I apologize for the lack of updates in the blog, but using an iPhone to update Blogspot is a lot easier said than done. So check back late Wednesday night, and I'll hopefully have a day by day recap complete with loads of photos. Outside of what I mentioned already, I'll also have interviews with the cast of PINAPPLE EXPRESS (including Seth Rogen and James Franco), UNDERWORLD 3 (including Rhona Mitra and Bill Nighy), information from the cast and director (McG) of TERMINATOR: SALVATION, and a review of Tom Jane's new movie THE MUTANT CHRONICLES (along with Pics from the after party with Ron Perlman and Devon Aoki). Good God, there's SO much to talk about it's not even funny.

It will all be right here... very soon... I promise.

1 comment:

Pat R said...

if Christian Bale's past work is any indication, then T4 should be pretty good... i'm hoping Arnold makes an appearance too